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Trip Reports / Busch Gardens Williamsburg

Busch Gardens Williamsburg

This for one is one of the most beautiful parks I've been to. The theming was unbelievable and the scenery was top notch. Very clean and always had well themed rides.

The operations and lines for coasters and rides were smooth and quick.

The coasters themselves were awesome and all were thrilling. Griffon was a great experience and the Alpengeist was out of this world.

The only problems I had was that I was disappointed with the food. The layout was strange and awkward in my opinion.

I had a great time and rank this park as a 9/10

We are here! What\'s that in the distance, Griffon!

Griffon towering over Alpengeist, wow Griffon is fun!

A building that shoots trains into trees, wow that looks like it hurt!

Some other coasters, like Lochness Monster.

Or Big Bad Wolf.

Apollo's Chariot, another awesome coaster that is full of airtime.

Alpengeist through Griffons supports.

Alpengeist's Lift and first drop/helix thingy.

Alpengeist's awesome cobra roll.

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