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Trip Reports / Hershey Park Opening Weekend

Hershey Park Opening Weekend

Fahrenheit wasn't open, but this was.

Splish Splash, notice all the new boards on the lift.

Wildcat, one of the best woodies ever.

More Wildcat.

Wild Mouse, through the trees.

Again Wild Mouse.

Lightning Racer, pretty cool, but Wildcat is the beast!

Look at that butt!

Yes Fuhfenheit was there to....yes I know I spelled it like that.

I still love you! Even though people think a crappy Lazy River and Wave Pool will be better! (If you think that, then you suck! Jk'ing.)

Hi, Sidewinder.

Weee, bang, shmack, clunk! I still find it enjoyable though.

In the back, you experience some great forces here.



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